Lets face it, sometimes it’s easier to ignore what is showing up within, but how long can we ignore, suppress or avoid dealing with what we are experiencing before something gives? Before we crack?

Here is the thing…


EMOTION = ENERGY IN MOTION our emotions are MEANT to be felt, to be understood, to be learnt from and to be processed. Doing this allows the emotion to be present in the moment, fully embodied and expressed and then let go of. 

The trouble is… we have over time learnt to suppress and stifle our feelings and not just the negative ones. 

I’m curious, can you relate to any of these…

  • Were you ever told to hide your joy, happiness, excitement when you were younger because it was too much? Seeks attention? Makes you look a certain way?

  • Were you told to stop crying? To not be so “sensitive” when you expressed sadness? Were you told you were being silly? Weak? 

  • Were you told that being angry was bad, naughty or unacceptable?  Maybe you only ever saw anger which was modelled to you in extreme and now you fear expressing anger or only know anger in its explosive form?

We are taught how to express our emotions from such a young age and we carry this association with expressing ourselves throughout our lives and is further shaped by our experiences and the meanings we have placed upon those experiences.

So what is the problem? What is wrong with holding onto our sadness, our anger, our fear, our joy etc 

Well, you tell me? How has it served you?

If you ask yourself and honestly answer,
”how has holding onto years of anger, sadness or pain affected you? Your happiness? Your relationships?”

If you have experienced something painful in the past and you have carried this with you for years, holding onto the emotions that came with that… you have avoided talking about it, admitting it, healing from it, there is no doubt that this is affecting you still today. 

If we don’t allow emotions to move through us, we allow the emotion to move us. 

Allowing our emotions to move us keeps us in reaction mode. We are allowing our emotions to determine our behaviours and if we are holding onto emotions we have bottled up from the past… we are ultimately projecting our past into our present! (can you remember the last time you expressed anger? Or sadness as an example, did you “overreact” did you throw a tantrum, give the silent treatment or sulk? Interesting hey!?

This is how we continue to attract and experience similar or the same crappy experiences as we have before, by carrying old emotions and meanings attached to our past experiences. 

Imagine if you reflected on your past and no longer felt anger, guilt, sadness, shame, fear, hurt…. Imagine if the things that would usually trigger that emotion, felt different. Imagine if you could regulate and nurture  your emotions in the present and you now responded differently too?

Suppressing our pain, holding onto how we feel without expression, avoiding speaking honestly or speaking your truth simply keeps you small. Keeps you wounded. Keeps you from feeling and showing up as your best, happiest self! 

It is possible to transform your pain, your emotions from the past. Its not about digging into events and talking about “what” happened, its about changing how you feel about them and the meanings you have created. 

Emotions are energy in motion. Just like stopping a river from flowing, there will be consequences and eventually there will be one storm or rainy day that will cause a huge amount of damage. 

You can avoid the overflow. The big explosion. The straw that broke the camel's back. 

Trust that all emotions are needed, healthy and safe to feel and express. All pain and trauma can be transformed. 

You have all the power! 

P.S If you are ready to transform how you feel about your past, yourself and finally experience undeniable self love and confidence and be in your power… our May Empowered You Project is now live for enrollment. 6 weeks to transform you from the inside out surrounded by like minded women. Book a free call to learn more about this life changing project and if it perfect for you!

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I was feeling disconnected from myself and struggling to know who I was. The project helped me to look at each aspect of my life that I wanted to change/improve on and figure out what I needed to do in order to make that change.
I was feeling lost and not sure of how to change because it all seemed so overwhelming when you look at it as the big picture, but when you break it down into each individual area it became so much clearer. Being in the presence and energy of Amanda is amazing! She is so inspiring and helped me gain clarity on a lot of things. If you could turn all her wisdom into a book that would be amazing hehe :)
To anyone wanting to gain confidence and clarity around living their best life and anyone who feels they are not living in alignment with their true self but maybe doesn’t know how to begin, this is for you! Because once you do this your life will improve dramatically and we all deserve to feel how amazing and empowering that is. Sometimes we just need some guidance from someone like Amanda to help get us on the right path
I think you’re amazing and I’m so grateful our paths crossed. Thank you for everything xxx
— Kayla W

Amanda Dick