I share the EXACT process that I followed to heal my Body image, get the results i wanted aND feel happier and healthier than ever!

22nd March - 24th march

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Are you sick of Trying the NEXT new diet or workout program that promises you the world - but nothing seems to change long term?

Are you tired of always worrying about what you look like, what you should and shouldnt eat and what you can do to feel better about yourself and in your skin?

Are you tired of the short summer flings of dieting and fad detox relationships that are holding you back from that long term Health and happiness you crave?

It’s time to dump those summer flings and short term results and start expecting nothing less than life long health and happiness! There is a simple way to transform your body image, your relationship with food, your health and ultimately your happiness. Over 3 days I will show you how!

At what cost are you willing to obtain your ‘dream body’? Hard truth - diet culture has us costing our health! and long term…. our happiness. I am going to show you how to break up with diet culture so that you can not only get the results you have been busting your bum for years trying to achieve, but also commit to your health and happiness long term!


Flex Your Mind - understand exactly why you keep going back for more!

Just like a hot summer fling, those quick fixes are SO TEMPTING because they tell you exactly what you want to hear, they promise to give you exactly what you think you want! A smaller body = more confidence right? The results may have had you feeling “better” temporarily, but as soon as the 4 or 6 weeks are done, it suddenly feels impossible to maintain (because it is!)

Suddenly we are back to old ways, habits and behaviors come back and with a vengence and the results we got a taste of disappear. Leaving you saying “BUT WHY?!, WHY DOESN’T ANYTHING WORK?”

It is time to drop the summer flings and get into a commited and loving relationship with yourself, your body and your health!

Your mind is the thing getting in your way of a loving long term relationship with YOURSELF!

  • I share with you exactly HOW and WHY we stay stuck in the yoyo loop of dieting and self loathing. (hint: it has taken place over centuries! No wonder it’s hard to break up with the quick fix!)

  • How to pin point the ROOTS (the cause) of how you feel about yourself and your body and exactly how this has dictated the way you treat yourself and your body.

  • The limiting beliefs you can dump along with diet culture

  • How you can start reprograming yourself so your health and happiness goes the distance

the facts over fads

It’s easy to be taken by the charisma and energy of those summer 6 week flings, the short diet fads that promise you the world. I get it, it’s hard to pass up an opportunity to swept off your feet by a shredded bod or 2 dress sizes smaller. (I’ve had plenty of these flings myself!)

Trouble is… we stay stuck in the honeymoon period and we all know this doesn’t last long. Being on your best behavior, cutting out the things that you enjoy… you can only sustain that for so long. One major player in your health and happiness breakdown is being clouded by the fads and fast fixes.

  • I share with you the FACTS when it comes to not only getting the results you might want, but making health and happiness a life long relationship that thrives! I share with you the fundamentals of life long results

  • I show you how to HACK your motivation so that you never have to DRAG yourself to a bootcamp session, force yourself to fast or drink grren smoothies again and instead eat, move and play in ways that feel natural and easy!

  • How to apply the KISS approach so you can finally nail down the foundations of being in a committed and healthy relationship with your body, health and happiness.

WHO are your peeps?

Picking your peeps that support you and your life long relationship is KEY to success. Your inner circle and your environment will influence your outcome more than you know. 

  • You wouldn’t get car advice from a plumber would you? Picking your peeps is a priority! I show you exactly how to select your tribe so you have a rock solid support system on your journey! (This will make or break your outcome!)

  • How to ditch the dudes that keep flirting with you and your insecuritues for good

  • Learning from and then leaving your past relationhsips behind you so you can thrive!

  • I will share with you the process that changed my life forever!

Join the Challenge Today!

“The only relationship that matters, is the one you have with yourself!”